Making Software Sustainable

Eli Chadwick (he/him and they/them)

The Carpentries; Software Sustainability Institute

30 August 2023


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About Me

  • 2018: MSci Physics from University of Birmingham
    • Final project on computational astrophysics
  • 2018-2022: Science and Technology Facilities Council
    • 2 years on Scientific Computing graduate scheme
    • 2 years on muon spectroscopy simulations
    • Led training workshops for early career staff
  • 2021: Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship
    • Focus on training and accessibility
  • 2023: The Carpentries - IT Developer

University of Birmingham UKRI Science and Technology Facilities Council Software Sustainability Institute The Carpentries

Why This Career Path?

  • Wanted to remain close to research and academia after graduating
  • But I do not like doing research enough to do a PhD
  • What I do like is writing scientific code

My ideal job:

writing code that helps people to do their research

This has a name:

Research Software Engineering

Research Software Engineering

If you develop software 1 to support your own research or that of others, you are doing Research Software Engineering!

You may like to describe yourself as a Research Software Engineer (RSE)

You’re welcome in RSE events and spaces, such as the yearly UK RSE Conference

RSE logo

Why I’m Here

  • At STFC I learned many approaches to software engineering, testing, collaboration, and so on
  • These were never mentioned during my programming modules at uni
  • I left uni with advanced coding skills, but minimal knowledge of best practices
  • I want you to know more than I did
  • Workshops and talks help to close these knowledge gaps

What is Sustainable Software?

Slido Poll

Definition of Sustainable Software

Sustainability means that the software you use today will be available - and continue to be improved and supported - in the future. 1

Sustainable software is software which: 2

  • Is easy to evolve and maintain
  • Fulfils its intent over time
  • Survives uncertainty
  • Supports relevant concerns (political, economic, social, technical, legal, environmental)

Aspects of Sustainability (1/2)

  • documentation for users and developers, at all levels of experience
  • planning and governance
  • support and issue tracking
  • community and external contributions
  • licensing – the conditions under which a person can use and re-use your software
  • funding and contributor time

Aspects of Sustainability (2/2)

  • availability and accessibility
  • compatibility with operating systems, browsers, and/or assistive technology
  • software design and coding standards
  • testing
  • version control (e.g. Git)

Why Go to All This Effort?

Would you use and trust the results of a microscope or telescope that hadn’t been built by qualified engineers or tested? 1

Software is the most prevalent of all the instruments used in modern science

  • 84% of scientists say developing scientific software is important for their own research 2
  • But most have learned through self-study, and this leaves gaps
  • Only 47% have a good understanding of testing

Why Go to All This Effort?

The consequences of not following best practices can be serious

  • A software bug led to the retraction of three Science papers 1
  • Journals increasingly demand that both code & data be openly available for review and reproducibility

Better Software, Better Research

Case Studies

Unsustainable Software

Two students collaborate to model telescope observations of a specific type of astronomical event.

  • They start together, but their code diverges as they each study a different telescope
  • As they prepare to submit a paper, one of them introduces a major bug and only notices it at the last minute while doing a manual check
  • Six months later, changes are requested – but they no longer remember which code files worked and which were broken
  • Replicating their own results is tough
  • After the paper is accepted, both students move onto other projects, and don’t touch the code again

Unsustainable Software - Consequences

  • The code is difficult to understand and use
    • Effectively nobody can replicate the results
  • The code for the telescope models cannot be applied to other types of astronomical event, even though the maths is generalised
    • A later student must start over from scratch
  • The code was never reviewed for bugs
    • The published results could contain major errors
  • The code is abandoned after the paper is published, and the Python version it used falls out of support soon after
    • Using the code in any way becomes harder over time

Sustainable Software

The C++ tool FABBER processes functional magnetic resonance imaging to recognise blood flow patterns in the brain and measure brain activity.

  • Originally developed by a single researcher for use in his group
    • “while I tried to make it flexible from the outset, it morphed a bit over time and I reached a ceiling of what I could do myself” 1
  • Developer requested support from experienced RSEs, and together they redesigned the code
    • turned core functions into a reusable library
    • allowed analysis models to be plugged in, written by anyone
    • added tests using known example inputs and outputs

Sustainable Software - Consequences

  • The code is easier to understand and use
    • More groups can use it
    • Maintenance is easier
  • Generalised core features form a standalone package
    • Can be applied in new, unforeseen applications
  • The code includes a test suite which checks for bugs
    • Results are less likely to contain errors
  • The code is open-source
    • Developers from other groups can contribute and keep the project going

Halfway Point - Question Break

Post questions in Slido Q&A tab

Coming next: How Do I Improve the Sustainability of my Software?

How Do I Improve the Sustainability of my Software?

Heavily inspired by 9 steps for quality research software by Laurence Billingham, Steven Lamerton, Nick Rees, Mike Croucher, Richard Domander, and Carl Wilson

There are a lot of suggestions coming up

You don’t need to do all of them right now

You don’t need to follow them in order

Pick one that resonates with you, and focus on that

The aggregation of marginal gains shows how small improvements and one percent gains compound. Starting at 1, 1% better every day means 1.01^365=37.78. 1% worse every day means 0.99^365=0.03

Image © James Clear

In the long run:

Strive to make a small improvement every time you write a new piece of code

1. Admit that you have a problem

Hello, I am Eli, and I’ve written terrible software.

It’s ok to not write perfect code

It’s ok to write very imperfect code

Just don’t deny that your code could be better out of pride or shame

2a. Introduce a version control system…

Version control:

  • helps us to track when and why our code was changed
  • allows us to undo changes when we discover we broke something
  • is essential for large collaborative projects and their contributors
  • most commonly Git, but there are others (e.g. Mercurial)

Invest a couple of days in learning, then practice, practice, practice

Put your code on a platform like GitLab or Bitbucket while you’re at it. Now you have a backup!

Ideally, make this open-source

2b. … and make changes little and often

How often do you hit save in your word processor or code editor?

Is it almost reflexive?

Do the same with committing to version control!

You will build up a richer, more searchable, more undo-able history of changes (and it means more practice)

It’s ok to commit something broken, then fix it in a later commit

Screenshot of 4 sequential commits from August 15, 2023. Commit messages read: 'add new page to index'; 'remove mailing list from procedures'; 'add previously undocumented deployment steps'; 'remove references to forks as we no longer use this method'

3a. Get your code to build and run on another machine

Now that your code is hosted openly online, anyone can download it to any other machine - so make sure it will run there!

Try to compile, build, and run your code on a machine that’s not yours

Document these alongside your code:

  • Compiler version(s)
  • Library version(s)
  • Operating system(s)

If your research isn’t reproducible, it isn’t reliable.

3b. Actually, why should building and running be separate?

Save time by using tools that can automate the process

An hour invested now will save you many in the future

Popular choices for C++ are make and cmake

4. You already test things, now formalise it

You (hopefully) already test your code by putting in a known input and making sure it gives you the output you expect.

When you’ve confirmed it works, you delete the test.

Instead, wire that test up permanently using a testing framework, and run it whenever you make a change to ensure you didn’t break anything.

Do this every time you write a new piece of code, and suddenly you have a test suite!

Screenshot of a Python test using the unittest package. The test ensures people with hyphens in names have correct usernames generated

5a. Modularise within your code…

Break your code down into simple chunks or units that do one thing each, and turn them into functions (e.g. loading a file, checking inputs are within valid ranges, plotting a chart)

Now your software is built from many simple interacting components.

It’s much simpler to verify that each function works correctly with individual ‘unit tests.’

Screenshot of a Python function called 'normalize_name' which removes spaces and accented characters from an input string

5b. … and then modularise within your group

You’ve written a function to solve a particular problem, and now your colleague has the same problem

Get them using the same code!

Now you have another set of eyes making sure your code works - and if either of you find a bug, you can fix it for both of you

In the same way, use and improve functions that your colleagues/friends/enemies have written

Research is better when we help each other

6. Show someone your code, and offer to read theirs

This one can be scary! But it will make your code better

You (hopefully) ask people to review your grant proposals and papers, even if you’ve been writing for years. Why not your code?

In return, offer to review your colleagues’ code too - and be nice

You will learn about functions, packages, and techniques you wouldn’t know about otherwise

Screenshot of GitHub review comment from klbarnes20: This looks great! I made one comment but it is more of a suggestion. I learned some things by reading this that I hope are going to make my admin work quicker too! Thank you!

7. Automate it all (except the human bits)

Use continuous integration services to automatically build and test your code every time you make changes (e.g. Travis CI, GitHub Actions)

Test multiple OSs, compilers, and environments simultaneously with minimal setup

Many tools are free for open-source/academic projects!

Screenshot of GitHub checks on a pull request: All checks have passed. Accessibility testing with pa11y, Code scanning, Lint Code Base, Unit tests on Python 3.11

But be warned: this is not a substitute for code review by a human

8. Join a Community of Practice

A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly

Recap of Steps

  1. Admit you have a problem
  2. Use version control, little and often
  3. Build and run your code on another machine
  4. Formalise your tests
  5. Modularise and share
  6. Give and receive code review
  7. Automate as much as you can
  8. Join a community of practice



  • Research Software Engineering is a viable career path (that you may already be following)
  • Sustainable software is continuously improved and supported, and is not dependent on only one person to survive
  • Improve your practices a little bit every time you code, and it will pay dividends
  • Better software, better research



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